Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Sacrament, a blessed and loving gift

Once a upon a time, I thought that the sacrament was supposed to be full of rigor and tradition. That the deacons should turn in place 90 degrees (like I learned in marching band).  I have not thought that way in a long time, but the thought dawned on me that it is a gift of love, not a rigid thing that must be marched every Sunday.

Elder Dallin H. Oaks, an apostle of Jesus Christ, said in October 2008 in a general conference session to the LDS church and to the world, "The ordinance of the sacrament makes the sacrament meeting the most sacred and important meeting in the Church." (See the whole talk here: it is so vital that we partake of it every week. Why? We renew our baptismal covenants, we have the Holy Spirit to be with us, and we can feel the love of the Savior.  I was blessing the sacrament today and a lady came in towards the end of the bread being passed around and she sat in the back. I immediately felt that she needed the sacrament just as much as I did. So I asked one of the brethren passing the sacrament to give it to her. I just felt the love of the Savior for her and started thinking about what the Savior would do if He were in my sacrament meeting. I just felt that He would hug every single person, whisper in their ear motivation and words of love, and make sure that every person who took the emblems of his blood and body would feel that desire to draw closer to him. 

The more I get to know the Savior, the more I am amazed at His love and genuine concern for all of the God's children. I am truly grateful for everything He does for me. 

"I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me. Confused at the grace that so fully He proffers me. I tremble to know that for me He was crucified. That for me, a sinner, he suffered, he bled and died. Oh it is wonderful that he should care for me, enough to die for me. Oh, it is wonderful, wonderful to me."
   - Charles H. Gabriel

Monday, May 19, 2014

The One you can rely on

Oh there's One we can trust in
Always there to guide us
Even when we think His back is turned

He does not turn away
But leads us

A path, shaky, dark, indeterminate
Why would I go on?
How can I go on?

The way is not lit
Nor does it shine
Or give a glimmer of hope

My eyes search
They strain
They despair

I am not strong enough for this
Nor capable

All these


How can I say this when it's what I'm feeling?
There's no sure definition
Nor reason

But faith - Faith in God and His plan
Although I do not understand
Nor think it fair.
Faith that comes from feeling
Feeling the warmth and goodness of His Son
The Path that He has set
And the testimony that He has giv'n me

I'm no where close to perfect. Nor am I even at the level I was before things went awry. But I know I can get there. And soar. Thanks to His Plan, His Atonement and His Love.

It's not easy. Nor is it doable. By myself. But with Him, all things are possible. So there's hope in that.

2 Nephi 4:34