Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

So to start out this blog I want to thank my beautiful Mother for everything she has ever done for me. From being double trouble as a toddler to sending me Pop-Tarts while on the mission, she has my best interests always in mind. I love her so much!!!! <3

Mom and Dad's Engagement Photo

This week has been crazy! Up and down and all around. But I guess a Physics and Economics class would do that to you while in a shortened term. As well as my new job. And my new calling. And trying out the dating and social scene. It's hectic but I guess it's teaching me a lot.

This Sunday has been kind of restful which is nice. Tomorrow is going to be even crazier because I have both of my classes and a physics test to take. So that will be fun. And that's basically it. Not a bunch going on. I feel really boring. Anyways, that's it for now! TTFN.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Price Ceilings and Price Floors

So today in Econ we learned about Price Ceilings and Price Floors and how they really don't help anybody. Sure, a price ceiling will help the consumers and a price floor will help the seller. But what is the residual effect?

Price Ceiling cause shortages - more demand for a product than what is actually produced aka: Lines, rations, and Black Markets. Whoever has had to wait in a line knows that its not very fun. And how would you like it if the government told you what you could buy and how much of it? And then there is just stuff that isn't supposed to happen that people take advantage - more demand than legal supply - well, we'll just go and sell it above the ceiling in our own little secret places.

Application? Rent Control - Officials put a price limit on apartments in Provo at $100/month (this is just a simulation, not an actual comparison. I have no idea what the going price is per month.) Suppose that (due to supply and demand) the market settles at 150 dollars per month in a normal situation. Now renters have to settle lower selling prices. They will do one of two things: make your apartment $100/month quality or just convert their resources (apartment complexes) into something else more profitable. Do you want $100/month quality housing (ie: WORSE than what you have right now)? I wouldn't think so. Although some people would save a ton of money, many would not be able to find an apartment because renters are just not willing or able to work at such a low price. Ergo - Rent Controls are not a great idea nor are price ceilings. Another quick example would be the gas shortage in the 1970's. Lines upon lines upon line upon lines to get gas because there wasn't enough? Why? The government wouldn't allow the market to shift naturally to an equilibrium where producers/suppliers would be able to meet the quantity demanded.

Price Floors have the opposite effect. The government locks in a price for a certain good that can't be lowered and then producers want to produce a ton of it and the demand for that product at that price isn't so high (people don't want to or can't buy it at the specified price).  Then what happens? You have a whole bunch of extra product. And that comes with long-term effects as well. You can get the government to buy your surplus, as they did/do with grain. You can get the government to tell you to stop making it. Or you can just put other stuff on sale to attract customers.

Application? Grain - There was/is a set price for grain and so it is valuable for farmers to produce it. Unfortunately, they produce more than what is needed. What is happening? The government is buying all that extra grain and storing it. But with what money? Taxes!! Do you really want YOUR money to go into a non-valuable resource? Maybe it would be valuable for a certain amount of time. But do we really need 50-60 year supply of grain? (This has been happening since the 1950's.) Ergo - Price floors encourage production of a product but reduce the want/demand for that product as well causing a "surplus".

As well as causing shortages and surpluses, it detracts from the "Total Welfare" of an economy. Maybe the buyers get a great discount. Maybe the sellers earn a lot more money. But overall when you compare the gains from the consumer and the producer to the "free market" without any interference, it works better for everyone when there are is no interference.

Now some caveats. This is a perfectly competitive market. There are no outside influences. I am just a beginner at this. BUT, it has been proven mathmatically and I can show you why - through graphs and examples.

Now an application to my own life. Fortunately, the equilibrium for mankind has been set by Heavenly Father. He commands us to be perfect, even as He is ( Matthew 5:48 - Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.). Since we are imperfect, we can never ever ever ever ever get close to equilibrium that Justice sets. But, Heavenly Father is merciful and wants us to return. So He provided a way - our Savior Jesus Christ and His Atonement and Gospel. Because Jesus Christ was perfect, he satisfied Justice for his own life. Because he suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane for all of our sins, mistakes, pains and sicknesses, he becomes our creditor. He has told us to have faith in his name, repent of our sins, be baptized by His authority, receive the gift of the Holy Ghost by that Same Holy Authority, and to endure to the end. He knows we are not perfect. He loves us. That's why he suffered and died for us. It's alright if we make mistakes. Christ will help us get to equilibrium - as long as we follow His counsel and commandments. I know this to be true. I also know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to be the only true church that has that authority. It has been restored to the Earth after a long period of it being lost. And God has given us the "proof" of this great work. It is the Book of Mormon. God promises you that if you read it, ponder what it really teaches and then ask him in prayer if it is true, He will answer you. He challenged me to do it, and so I did. And here I am telling you that God does answer prayers, there is a true church and that you can have the truth in your life. Just ask. I am grateful for the Savior and His atoning sacrifice for me. I am not perfect, but I will be someday through the atoning blood of the Lamb of God, my King and Lord.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sitting, waiting wishing

While waiting for Economics class I am going to write a quick update.

Well, I am moved into my new apartment at Wyview and now have been an RA for almost a week. I absolutely love Wyview! It's the best of all the on-campus housing. Plus they have gas burners! That's a real plus for me when I want to cook. The atmosphere is really tranquil (tranquilo) and my roommate is so awesome! For example, who else has two large posters in their front room of Star Wars, knows Spanish and is completely chill? That among many other things will make this term slightly AWESOME! :)

What else? RA'ing has been good. I am learning a lot and being really social (weird, I know... I don't usually do that) but it has been amazing. I like this job. My Family Home Evening group is super awesome as well as my FHE "mom". Mondays are going to be super tight and awesome. I am also hanging out with people that aren't in my building and actually on the SOUTH side of campus but my bike makes it easier to get from the North Side to the South Side. I really enjoy spending time with friends now. Also, the hills make my legs really really tired but making them buff! I looked at my calf this morning and it was almost pure muscle wherein just a couple weeks ago it had some flab. Me = : D But I need to find a good schedule to go work out regularly. I need it!

I am taking the basic Econ 110 class for my GE and to start my major. :) I am super excited and love the class. I am interested the whole time and time just flies by! I am also taking physics 105. While not as intriguing, it reminds me of my AP Calculus class and I can handle it. For now. After that, my cousin who is majoring in Physics can help me out. :)

I went to the Temple this morning and had some great experiences. After leaving I just felt so peaceful and it was just really good to go to the temple. Feeling the Spirit is absolutely amazing and helps me to overcome my weaknesses and fears and give more of myself to the Lord.

Well, class is about to start. Toodles. :)