Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Frozen: Not your ordinary Disney Movie

For once it's a love story that doesn't end with girl who meets guy, instantly falls in love and they live happily ever after, after a tragic plot twist that threatens to separate them forever.

For once it's a love story about families. Where these sisters are all they have left. About reaching out to those who aren't understood. Reaching out to those who feel like they are cast out because they possess something that we don't. Be it a troubled past, a disease like Autism, Celiac's, or maybe even something unknown, or whatever it is, there is power behind those that aren't like us.

People are different for a reason. We aren't cast in the same mold. Some people are great at Accounting - some are great at the Arts - some have excellent leadership skills while others excel at getting things done. Our differences make us a whole. Paul taught the Philippians that we are the body of Christ - some fingers, some toes, etc, etc. I just feel that if we, as a people, can be open to differences and understanding of where people come from, we can see much more around us than we do right now. And have greater clarity of how we can make choices to uplift humanity and bring people closer to Christ. That's why we are here - to prove our faithfulness and help all of our brothers and sisters return to live with us in Heaven. But that's kind of hard if we don't forge relationships of trust, understand where they are, and help them to where they need to go. Of course, it's a two way deal, but we can still do our part.

Anyways - short blog inspired by watching Frozen. Such a good movie. Love it,Love it,Love it,Love it,Love it!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Love & Memories

These are just some of the great things about Carmody that I remember and that I hold Precious.

Even the small things that she does are what I adore about her. Enjoy.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Pain & Friends - The opposing forces for my soul

The Pain is Unique
The Pain is Fresh
The Pain just
Engulfs my chest

As I sit there in wonder
It overcomes
All that once was

I sit there and listen
There is sunshine in my soul today
The devil laughs in my ear
and rants
Not for you my dear

There is no peace
There is no love
There is no shining star above
Try you wish
Try as you might

The Pain is coming
To over rule you - it sighs

I get up and leave
The happy throng
To solaced from that song

I sit there
In your favorite spot
Where you used to find comfort
and love in your heart

But as I sit there,
the tears engulf me
And malicious whispers sit there flourishing

To my friend I bid come
That he may be of help
A physical reminder
a physical touch
to keep me in the land of the living
and sane

As I sit there, the pain engulfing
My shoulders rack up and down
with my shortness of breath
Streaming from my closed eyes
Because it's much more painful
To have them open and witness the absence.

He sits there and holds me
Like a baby sobbing
I turn to him and wet his shoulder
with my Pain

As I compose myself, it still lingers
But I tell myself
I must go on
And let it settle back into my heart

We return to where I had left,
To find loving friends
To embrace me
To empathize with me
To understand

A scripture later,
Words the heart tries to understand
Of a God All-Loving
That nothing can hide

The knowledge takes comfort
And struggles to bind
That wisdom
To that sad little heart of mine

Come what may
Come what might
God only knows
What is in store for me

The Light that awaits
The Darkness that conceals
The path wrought before me
That I try to find

Wish I may
Wish I might
She's not coming back
In this life.

So wait I must
Waiting I will do
While I try to figure out
What's God's will for me ensues.

The bitter cup is still yielding
The Pain still awaits
But at least I know
I've got friends at the gates

The angels the Savior sends
With his loving light
They may not know it
But they embrace his Sight

Love cannot tell
Nor will it yield
The Path for me
In this never ending field

Walk I must
Walk I do
Unto the path
That Future, leads me to.