Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Vaca.... I mean term...

So it's been busy. Life has been amazingly great here in Wyview! I am loving every minute of it. It's really laid back, chill and just plain fun. I can even cook and bake! It's awesome! Spring term I only had one roommate and then he had to move out. :( We were an awesome apartment if I do say so myself... we made a good team. And then I had another roommate move in. He's pretty tight too, so I am lucky.

So, with Summer term starting, that means a ton of Freshman moved in. Which means we get to do introductions during Sunday School all over. Yay for BYU wards!! Hahahahaha. Anways.... During the introductions people had to say their name, where they were from, blah blah blah and if and when they were going to serve (or had served) a mission. To my astonishment, there were quite a number of girls that read that last statement and said, "I am not going on a mission, I am getting married." WHAT?!!?!!?!?!!?!?!?!?
As I would recently have been prone to say.... RED FLAG!!!!!!!!
Welcome to BYU freshman girls.... That confirms all the rumors I've heard of husband hunting, but on a larger scale than when I was a Freshman in Fall 2009. Yay!!!! (What do I say to myself? RUN!)

First of all, these are freshly graduated high school girls and second of all, getting married takes a lot of work and experience. You need to get to know yourself, your limits, your strengths, your weaknesses. How in the world are you supposed to be ready to be married at the age of 17 or 18? Granted that was old-fashioned tradition and it usually worked, but we live in a new society with new rules. Men do not rule over their wives... They are equals in decision making and partnership. Let's get over the natural man and its desires and focus on the spiritual and emotional needs a person needs to satisfy before jumping to marriage and the sating of the physical desires. Don't get me wrong; Marriage is sacred and amazing! Let's just be prepared to be married first.

Off my marriage rant. This term has been awesome. I am taking a Volleyball class, a social ballroom class, a religion class of the modern prophets and a Spanish Literature Class. I have been enjoying all of my classes and they are tons of fun! And I love dancing! I am thinking of adding 280 to my schedule next term so I can learn the cool moves! It would be sooooooooooooooooooo awesome. But would I have time? That's the question. We'll see. College is about experimenting and finding yourself and limits and expanding upon your talents and knowledge. Basically and overall --> It's FUN! :)

Well, That's it for right now. Toodles!
