Happy but sad. Tired yet full of life. Wanting to do something but not knowing what. Trying to do something nice but getting torn apart for doing it. There's a whole spectrum out there of feelings I have and right now, not knowing what to do to straighten it out.
I look unto thee
and find happiness and delight
and yet it fills me with sadness and fright
One minute it's there, the next, it's not.
The rapid changing to times and feelings
One cannot say if it is from thy greetings
Tear me apart causing an empty soul.
Shred me until there is nothing left.
Why when I am with thee I feel content?
Then then parting rips me.
The separation lets me know why I need to stay away
But the desire to draw closer looms always near.
I want my own life
And yet it seems to difficult to form,
make it defined and stable. The Dream
will always haunt me
Until I figure out
I am there to help thee.
Thy welfare my preoccupation
I want thee to be happy
Along with the rest of my friends, families and acquaintances
I just want everybody to be happy
Some I put more effort into
Others, I leave alone to help
But there is another I think of
And I desire the same things
But being in her presence does not procure desires
and being away from her sorrow
There are good feelings with her presence and
being without does not hinder my progression
I am nervous around her. Why? I don't want to look like
the Court Jester or Fool?
A menacing presence or mysterious and creepy
I just want to be me
But what is me?
Self-confidence comes from inside
From seeing achievements
and accepting downfalls
But I cannot accept my faults.
There is no mercy I let myself have
When I keep on making the same mistake
over and over and over and over and over
It's almost too much
But there is improvement
There can be light at the end of the tunnel
Oh Savior wilt thou be my stay
My guide
My friend
I have not always recognized thy hand
But from now on I will take it
Thy will and not mine be done.
O Lord, give me the strength to overcome
my Weaknesses and Faults.
Help me to conquer temptation
My friends stand beside me
And try to help and guide me
My family is my strength
To them I will turn
And to thee Lord will I trust